Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wrestling with crocodiles and smiling

Brogan smiling at the animals on his play mat

Just look at those sweet cheeks and pretty smile. That's our busy boy playing on his play mat. He likes to play all day and we have several areas for him to get busy. He has his play mat, a surfboard tummy time mat, he loves his crib and mobile, a super bouncy seat with the rainforest animals all singing music, a bumbo seat to sit up and get strong while reaching for toys, and a great swing are some. Not to mention the best play areas of all - Dad's chest and mommy's arms.

The next Steve Irwin - this family was a great fan of Steve's. His enthusiasm for everything he did was wonderful and we just couldn't say enough positive things about him to honor his contribution to humanity.

Here is Brogan wrestling with his toy crocodile nonstop - look at the blur; ha ha. Look at those cute dimples in his knees! We were on the road a lot today, so Brogan was in his car seat most of the day and when we got home he was really ready for some playtime. So he beat up his crocodile, talked to his hands and had a pretty good time with some of his other toys.

Brogan is such a busy baby that he gets hot and sweaty so I dress him up for going out but he is really comfy in a onsie t-shirt at home and near bedtime. He has socks on in this picture as I haven't yet taken them off of him. He really enjoys having naked feet. He touches things with his feet all of the time. It's really cute! All those wonderful tactile sensations to grow his brain and curiosity. Humans are fascinating.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Doing the Puyallup in the Rain

Last Saturday (Sept 20th) we planned and went to the Puyallup fair. It RAINED. Audrey had a great time though going on rides and looking at animals.

After Dusty got his mandatory Earthquake Burger, we got to fulfill my wish - have a family photo taken. So here we are, wet cold and tired but happy.

Brogan was a real trooper getting big drips on him while daddy fed him a bottle under a tree. He wasn't phased a bit. He really likes it outside.

Audrey loved loved loved the dress and hat she got to wear for this photo! Brogan was ok with his outfit, but didn't want to wear the coon skin cap so that didn't make it in the shot. Dusty was told to just look serious - my does he ever! I felt like a damp rag, I guess I could have powedered my nose! Oh well. A memory to cherish.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Kind of Down Syndrome?

Brogan 4 1/2 months
Family doesn't know what Down Syndrome is and want to know what kind? They really are asking "what's the severity?"

Well for every kid it's different. But, this is what I've read:

2.1 Trisomy 21
2.2 Mosaicism
2.3 Robertsonian translocation
2.4 Duplication of a portion of chromosome 21

Brogan has Trisomy 21. So whatever type Brogan has - he is missing a lot of the typical features of Down Syndrome that doctors look for.

Definition of Down syndrome features
Down syndrome features: Children with Down syndrome have multiple malformations and mental impairment due to the presence of extra material from chromosome 21.
Among the more common physical features are hypotonia (floppiness), small head with brachycephaly, epicanthic folds across the inside corners of the eyes, upward outward slanting palpebral fissures (eye slits), Brushfield spots in the iris, small mouth, small ears, excessive skin at the nape of the neck, a single transverse palmar crease, and short fifth finger with clinodactyly (incurving). A wide space, often with a deep fissure between the first and second toes, is also common.
There is an increased risk of congenital heart defects (50%); leukemia (<1%); Hirschsprung disease with absence of nerves from the bowel (atresia (12%); eye disease (60%), including cataracts (15%) and severe refractive errors (50%); acquired hip dislocation (6%); obstructive sleep apnea (50%-75%); and thyroid disease (15%). There is no increased risk of solid tumors.
There is mental impairment. The degree is variable, ranging from mild (IQ: 50-70) to moderate (IQ: 35-50), and only occasionally to severe (IQ: 20-35).
The social quotient may be improved with early intervention techniques, although the level of function is exceedingly variable. Children with Down syndrome often function better in social situations than might be expected from their IQ.
An excellent set of guidelines for the health care of children with Down syndrome is available from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

This comes from: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=16226

So how is Brogan doing? Read and Learn. The doctors have not noted any of the features listed and are very surprised at his stength and intelligence.

I told Dusty that instead of rating as a genius he's probably have to settle for normal. Dusty scored two points below the IQ requied for MENSA.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Features and DS

As the doctor was looking at Brogan as a newborn, he told us that Brogan didn't really have any "features" of a Down Syndrome baby.

Dusty and I looked at one another - "Features? What are we doing, buying a car?". That word, along with many others that we would be hearing just didn't make a lot of sense. Obviously I know what the physical features of a human being are, but wouldn't it be more correct to say "Characteristics?".

Whatever - I just wanted to place my complaint against the word "Features" as relates to our son or any baby.

September, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dog named Roscoe

Roscoe was a rescue dog - we adopted him from the King County animal shelter.
We never got any of his background like where he came from or why he was given up - what we did get were his pedigree papers. He's a purebred Staffordshire Bull Terrior who had champion parents. Our guess was that he belonged to an elderly lady that may have passed away and her kids just took him down to the shelter to get rid of him.

Audrey and Roscoe are great friends. He's a wonderful kid's dog. I know Staffy's have a bad rep, but believe me, this guy is all heart. He also "talks" which is hilarious. Especially when he's worried about something, like being at the vet... then he has a lot to say!

This is Roscoe, and he's a great Staffy.

Surprising the Doctor

Amazing Brogan's doctor is always a pleasure, and he is always very happy to see how well Brogan is doing!

Brogan is the rollover king! He rolls from back to front and then after a while, rolls from front to back again.
When Dr. Ory set him on the examination table for his 4 month "Well Baby" checkup, he rolled right onto his tummy which surprised the doctor. He was happy to see that this boy has great muscles. Poor muscle tone is a characteristic of Down Syndrome babies, but our guy is just a tuffy. Brogan is an Irish name meaning "Sturdy and Strong".
His 4 month checkup went very well, with Brogan's doctor coming away completely amazed at Brogan's progress.
That's our boy! Brogan is very strong and is also using his mind. As his mother of course I would say he is exceptional. He is also a beautiful baby. We do get "oohs and ahhs" wherever we go, and I've heard people comment when we walk by, what a beautiful baby. I sure think so.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ooh, Colic

Brogan is a very happy, sweet baby!
Colic is so hard! Look into your baby's eyes and his pain filled face and you suffer such sadness and helplessness... you feel his pain so well. Anything that works for your baby is a godsend. Tag team with your partner, siblings too. Something that distracts your baby seems to be very worthwhile. The only question is, has the episode run itself out. Because any parent with a colicky baby will identify with these episodes. And the episodes run their course no matter what we try to do. It just seems like we get lucky with one tactic or another, and it never seems to be the same one. Sometimes it's all daddy, other times mommy is the only one who can calm the baby. But look at the timing. I think you'll find, to your dismay, that the baby's tummy has a schedule for his colic.

I have feel for Brogan when his tummy is bothering him. No parent wants their child to feel pain.
I love my son - my little son that I am so proud of - with all of my being. I only want good things for his life.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ready to Go!

Brogan wants to crawl so badly, he'll push himself forward with his back legs. I fear once this boy gets going, there'll be no stopping him!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Audrey - the fashion DIVA

I decided to stop arguing with Audrey over what she was going to wear "today" about 2 years ago. She never really liked mommy's conservative ideas of what would be cute. I guess? Conservative? Me - wow, I'd never call myself that.. but, OK.

Audrey can pull the weirdest combination of clothes out of her dresser and make it work. This is one of my most favorites she's come up with yet!

She's such a darling. Audrey is very creative and artistic, she's loving and tender as well. Along with having a magnificent imagination - well - her mom is so very proud of her and all of her quirks! She's beautiful every day and ornery all the time. We named her Audrey Faye, but we always called her Ornery Faye when she was a baby, but that personality trait didn't stop at babyhood.
Audrey is a very stong individual - and I'm so very proud of her. Her strength can also be a source of mom's aggravation, but I think I've done well as her mom by encouraging that strength, self confidence, sense of self, and her natural feelings for right and wrong. She's such a beautiful person, and even when she's driving me crazy, I'm still proud of her.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Eva with a baby carriage... oh WAIT!

Of course I would get that part wrong. Hmm, I loved Dusty from the minute I met him and it wasn't just his looks, it was his soul and our connection to each other. If you've ever seen us together you would be amazed at our ability to communicate without words. Well, since we have the same thoughts, the same values... of course we wouldn't need to re-emphasize what was on our minds. Of course he has the most amazing eyes too. The sweetest soul I've ever met.

That is the weirdest thing about us. I say something, and Dusty is saying it at the same time. I think something, or am thinking I need to remember to say something, and Dusty has already had the same thought, and done whatever it was "we" were thinking about. We both think it's strange, but a real testimony to how close two people can be. We were truly meant for each other.
So... Brogan was born May 6th 2008 and Dusty and I were married on July 2nd 2008. Naturally because I was on maternity leave, and oh yeah - I had to go back to work on July 7th and we were running out of time! We HAD meant to be married before the baby was born, but there just didn't seem to be any time to do it. So, during maternity leave seemed natural to both of us as we were able to go down and get the license, and then get married.

I just want everyone in the world to know that I love my husband and respect him very much AND I am so very PROUD of him. He has a tremendously hard, stressful and joyous job - it's called "stay at home dad". I tried to tell him to write it down as domestic engineer. You know - especially when all those other people look at you (him) and say - "oh you don't work?". Dusty is the most instrumental person in my ability to return to work, as well as keeping my sanity. He's my best friend and my "split apart" (didn't anyone watch Demi Moore's movie, the Butcher's Wife?). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101523/

Audrey - Ring Girl (sorry your eyes are closed honey, but you're still so beautiful)!

A Baby with Down syndrome and no instructions?

Brogan 8/20/2008
So we were told that our son has Down Syndrome. What does that mean for us as parents of a new baby? What are we supposed to do with this baby? Is ANYONE going to come to my door and check up on us? I was surprised when I brought my daughter home, and even more surprised bringing Brogan home that no one checked up on us. Doesn't anyone monitor those new parents? No wonder you see so many horrible stories involving babies and kids on the news.

So - as I began - what do we do with this baby? Well, we treat him like a normal baby. He gets love and attention and food and changed and all of the good stuff. We put him in different play areas and play with him, and I see no difference between him and my daughter as little babies.
He spent a little time in daycare and picked up a daycare cold. That seemed pretty typical to me. It sure worried me! It worried me when Audrey got her first daycare cold at 18 months.
The nurses at Auburn Regional Medical Center gave us a nice keepsake box that someone had donated which had information about babies with Down Syndrome. I've read the book, read the pamphlets, but what I can see is that Down Syndrome isn't really the issue. It's keeping the baby healthy, like you would any baby that is the most important thing. I do love the nurses from the Auburn Regional Medical Center's NICU. They were so wonderful to Brogan. He was their "terrific eater". Plus he was super ornery with them and fought everything, which endeared him with them all the more because that showed he is a strong baby with a strong character.
Brogan has a nice pediatrician and he doesn't see many features of Down Syndrome in Brogan. Since this baby is rolling over, smiling, sucking on fingers, communicating well and progressing just like any normal baby I wonder sometimes. I know a symptom as a parent whose child is diagnosed with Down Syndrome has to be denial, but I'm not caught in denial. I just want someone to prove to me that this child is slow.
He really wants to crawl and I fear once this boy goes mobile there will be no stopping him! He rolls over from his back to his tummy and gets his knees under him before his elbows and starts to push forward. He's going places even if he ends up with rug burns on his forehead! That's just a joke, since he's on a nice play mat and supervised. He holds his head up well and does the 'mini pushup' like a good baby should. We're so proud of our little boy and I don't know if it's "early intervention" or just normal good parenting, but Brogan is doing great!

Brogan and Mommy August 2008

Tattoo courtesy of Big Sister Tatoo Parlor

First day of Kindergarten - REALLY!

Well I guess it doesn't count unless you get to ride the BUS to school! Yesterday was the parents and kids day at school to get the kids aquainted with the school and the parents aquainted with the bus system.

Audrey is on the Lion bus! They got to tour the school and playground while the poor parents got to get the kids' bus info, and backpacks tagged correctly. Thank you Costco for providing backpacks for all the kids.

Audrey made it on the bus just fine - in fact she didn't even say goodbye to daddy. Then coming home - she missed her stop. Thank goodness the bus driver came round a second time, and asked Dusty if he was her dad and gave her a second chance to get off at her stop! Whew!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First day of KINDERGARTEN!!!

Now I would think that Audrey's biggest worry for her first day of Kindergarten would be what to wear! I spent the weekend helping her feel special by sorting all of her new school clothes and getting them washed, folded and put away.

Not our girl - she's been so worried all weekend about knowing her letters and if she'll be smart enough for school. Poor baby! She spend the weekend writing her name, coloring and reading in her Leap Pad books. She also kept asking me what time it was and set her play clock by the times of day.

I felt bad that she should worry so much, but I am very proud of her for wanting to do well. She's a bright shining star and she will have a fantastic year. We're looking forward to tomorrow!