Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Green Boots

I thought I was doing a really great thing for our son - and it turns out that I did! I brought home some green "frog" rubber boots for Brogan a week or so ago...

When we go outside, Brogan always wants to join us BUT if he doesn't have shoes on he's not supposed to come outside! No SHOES no outside! So began our son's LOVE of shoes. He has a lot of shoes!

His feet have been getting wet and cold. I thought a nice pair of rubber boots would be just the thing.

Brogan quickly learned how to put on his new boots all by himself, and how to take them off too. He is so fast at putting them on now that no one can go outside without him right behind them.

Did I create a MONSTER? Yes -- BUT I created a very very happy monster! He has been spending more time outside helping daddy and playing in the yard.

Brogan is Daddy's best helper!

This is great for his parents, since he seems to be wearing himself out enough to go to sleep at bed time! YaY! Mom and Dad go to bed shortly (like 15 minutes after) the kids are all tucked in for sleep!
Brogan with his super awesome GREEN boots

Super awesome super FAST green boots! Catch him if you can!

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